“I want to come back with my mom and dad because they would love it.” - Maddy B.
“My trip to the one room schoolhouse was awesome. I thought that being able to do a real spelling bee with words from 1901 was fun. I would hate having to do chores every day. The trip was one of my favorite trips.” - Jose H.
“My trip to the one room schoolhouse was very cool! The best part was when we all played tug-of-war. After tug-of-war, we ate an old time lunch.” - Amedeus S.
“The one room school house was fun. I liked how they “turn you down” in spelling bees. Recess had fun games. I like tug-of-war best. I didn’t like the poetry because I don’t like poetry. I liked being an 8th grader in class.” - Mathew
“My trip to the one room school house was awesome! I have learned that you had to do chores in 1901. At lunch, I liked the apples and biscuit and I loved the beef jerky. One thing I really enjoyed was writing with the quill and ink. Thank you Sharon and Amber for letting us come to the one room school house.” - Tristan
“My trip to the schoolhouse was amazing. I don’t get why there is a picture of George Washington hanging in the room. They had to bring lunch in a pail and we bring it in a lunch box. I would like to come back and see if there is anything different you teach. Thank you for the grant that helped pay for our trip.” - Bradley
“My trip to the old schoolhouse with you both as my teachers was amazing. I really learned a lot but you both made the learning fun and enjoyable. I really liked it when we wrote with the ink and feather. I didn’t know I was gonna get the award for the best cursive, but I did. Another thing I enjoyed was seeing what they played at recess and what they ate for lunch. Thank you for letting us come and have this great opportunity.” - Jayda
“My trip to the one room schoolhouse was amazing. One thing I did not know was that they had spelling bees back then. My favorite thing that I did there was I played tug-of-war. One thing that I did not like was that they all had to drink from the same cup for water. I hope to go back some day.” - Bryanna
“I had the best time ever! I learned so many things, like they had to write in cursive. My mom and I are coming back this summer because it was so fun. I wish we had desks like they did back then. Thank you so much for having us.” - Brooke
“I think 1901 and the old school days were so cool. Thank you for teaching us about school in 1901.” - Sam
“I was amazed that the kids would bring their lunch in tin pails. I also liked writing with quills and ink. I wish we could use quills today.” Madison
“It was different writing with a quill, but it was cool. It made me feel like I was in 1901. I really enjoyed playing with the whirligig.” - Hayden